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Women's Circles

growing together in the circle
through the cycles of life

women's circles


English speaking women's circles

take time out from the rush and demands of daily life

slow down, listen and share with an open heart and an open mind

bring more awareness to how we experience living in cycles within cycles

connect within and grow together within the women's circle

Growing Together

women's circles

Moon Circle


This Women's Circle is for feeling deeply into your moon cycle and cyclical living. From the new beginnings of new moon and menstruation through the cycles of nature, the moon and your own menstrual cycle, each phase, each aspect, is felt, explored and shared by women from all walks of life, with similar and different experiences to each other. All women and all experiences are welcome.

Autumn/Winter 2022/2023

Tuesdays at 18:30-20:30


27th September 2022: New Moon / Menstruation

1st November 2022: Waxing Moon / Opening out

6th December 2022: Full Moon / Ovulation

17th January 2023: Waning Moon / Looking within


in 3423 St. Andrä-Wördern (exact address will be sent with the booking confirmation)

The Moon Circles are open so you are welcome to attend single circles.

By booking the block of 4 circles you will receive the following benefits:

  • experience the full content covering the full cycles of nature

  • continuous connection and growing with the group

  • the block discount


Single Moon Circle €35*

Block of 4 Moon Circles €120*

Moon Circle

Mama Circle


Women's Circles to share, celebrate and feel deeply into your experiences of being a Mama. The hard work, the exhaustion, the loneliness, the uncertainty, the fears, the joys, the love, the connections. Each reality is  shared by mamas from all walks of life, with similar and different experiences to each other. All women and all experiences are welcome.


Autumn/Winter 2022:

Tuesday mornings at 09:00-11:00


13th September 2022: Changes (Body, Rhythm, Social, Baby)

11th October 2022: Connections (Within, with Baby, with others)

8th November 2022: Caring (Nurturing Baby & Others, Self-Care)

13th December 2022: Comforts (Tea, Baths, Chocolate, Forests)


Where: Vienna (exact address will be sent with the booking confirmation)


The Mama Circles are open, in that you are welcome to attend single circles. However, by booking the full block of 4 sessions you will experience the full content and receive the additional bonus of continuous connection with the group as well as the block-discount.


Single Mama Circle €25*

Block of 4 Mama Circles €80*

Mama Circle
Herbal Circle

Herbal Circle


Women's Circles to share, deepen and explore your experiences with herb for women's health. From human biology and physiology to traditional knowledge and personal experiences with healing plants and a focus on specific herbs within the given theme. We use our senses and our intuition to gain new experiences and share our collective wisdom. Women from all walks of life and all levels of experience with herbs are welcome.


Autumn/Winter 2022:

Tuesdays at 18:00-21:00


Autumn/Winter 2022: Herbs, Immunity and Women's Health

20th September

18th October

15th November

13th December

Where: 3423 St. Andrä-Wördern (exact address will be sent with the booking confirmation)


The Herbal Circles are closed, in that you cannot attend single circles. The full block of 4 sessions enables a build up of knowledge and experience and gives you the additional bonus of continuous connection and growth with the closed group.


Block of 4 Herbal Circles €200*

aktuelle Angebote

Eindrücke von Teilnehmenden

IG Herb Harvest August 2023.JPG

"Bex ist für mich eine sehr kompetente und heilkundige Frau.

Ich habe bei den Kräuterseminaren mit den Teeverkostungen viel Wissen sammeln können aber vor allem zu den einzelnen Pflanzen ein Gefühl für die jeweilige Heilkraft und die ganz spezielle Besonderheit und Wirkung erfahren dürfen.

Und es ist spürbar, dass hinter all dem Wissen und der Erfahrung ein intensives und langes Studium steht.

Die Seminare haben mich persönlich und beruflich inspiriert und bereichert."

Sabine Wünsche, Hebamme


Rebecca Holloway
3423 St Andrä-Wördern

0699 19298092

  • rebeccawildrose
  • WildRose Kräuterkunde & Frauenwissen

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